NewTom VGi

NewTom VGi
from the company that was the first to use the Cone Beam technologhy in dental field, represents the newest in CB3D technology. NewTom VGi takes an image at every degree of rotation, 360° rotation = 360 images, increasing the range of possibilities for image manipulation. It couples a revolutionary flat panel X-ray detector technology with a very small focal spot (0.3mm), to produce the clearest, sharpest images possible. VGi features an adjustable Field Of View, which allows doctors to irradiate just the right volume, depending on the different clinical applications. The size of FOV can vary from the smallest 6×6 cm to the biggest 15×15 cm and they can be selected directly from the software, before the scan. Patient positioning tools include cross-hair lasers and a mirror – powerful tools for exact patient positioning. Only NewTom systems employ SafeBeam™ technology, the safest technology available for patient and staff. It automatically adjusts the radiation dosage according to the patient’s age and size. A small child receives up to 40% less radiation than the already very low level for a full-sized adult. SafeBeam™ technology automatically and continuously monitors system operations eliminating the possibility of incorrect exposures. NewTom VGi features a single computer terminal and economical data storage. With much less radiation than most other cone-beam systems, and up to 20-50 times less radiation than conventional CT, NewTom VGi uses a unique “pulse” system that unlike other systems, activates the X-ray source only when needed – delivering less than 5 seconds of total exposure for a full scan. The physical technique of irradiating the anatomic part to be examined gives the name to the model of calculation defined as Cone Beam (CBCT- Cone Beam Computed Tomography) as opposed to the traditional system called Fan Beam. Its small footprint and flexible seating make NewTom VGi the best choice for locations, where space is at a premium.