From Slider Post Test 1

EP-70 Alcohol Based Skin and Hand Disinfectant

Skin and hand disinfectant; Alcohol-based hygienic treatment and surgical disinfection of hands. Formulated for surgical and hygienic hand disinfection. Very effective against; effective aganist bacteria (Tb, MRSA, VRE), fungi and viruses (incl. HBV, HCV, HIV, polio, herpes simplex, adeno, rota, nora and vaccinia) Increased skin compatibility; pH 5,5 SKIN FRIENDLY. Dermatologically tested. Suitable for frequent use. Meets CDC Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings. Confirms to CEN standarts; EN 13727, EN 1500 (3ml/30 seconds hygienic treatment) and EN 12791 (2x3ml/1,50 minutes surgical disinfection). Dosage and application time acc. to new DGHM guidelines; Hygienic hand disinfection 30 seconds, surgical hand disinfection 3 minutes! “Biocidal Product Certificate” by Turkish Ministery of Health. COMPOSITION Ethyl alcohol (96%) 45 %, isopropyl alcohol (25%), antioxidants, surfactants, lubricants, moisturizers, lanolin and glycerin. MICROBIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Bactericide, tuberculocide, fungicide and virucide. PACKAGING 60 bottles, 100 ml each 40 bottles, 250 ml with spray pump 20 bottles, 500 ml each with screwed pump 20 bottles, 1 liter each with screwed pump 4 cans, 5 L each