From Slider Post Test 1

Sodium Hypochloride Solution

Sodium hypochlorite is used in endodontics during root canal treatments Sodium hypochloride is now used in endodontics duriing root canal treatments. It is the medicament of choice due to its efficacy against pathogenic organisms and pulp digestion. Its concentration for use in endodontics today varies from 0.5% to 5.25%. At low concentrations it wll dissolve mainly necrotic tissue; whereas at higher concentrations tissue dissolution is better but it also dissolves vital tissue, a generally undersirable effect. It has been shown that clinical effectiveness does not increase conclusively for concentrations higher than 1%. COMPOSITION Sodium hypochlorite 5% + / – 0.5 active chlorinated, sodium carbonate 50 g / l PACKAGING 250 ml HDPE Bottle 500 ml HDPE Bottle